Purchase of a property

“A dream is just a dream.
A project is a dream with a plan and a deadline.
Reality is a dream that has become a project, with a plan supported by concrete actions.”

Prêt hypothécaire pour achat d'une propriété

Purchase of a property

I imagine you’ve weighed the pros and cons regarding the purchase of your first property or another property if you’ve reached this page! If you still have doubts, there’s a guide you can download on the CMHC website: “Homebuying Step by Step.” That will help ensure you’ve made the right decision.

Have you made the decision to buy a property? Congratulations on your decision!

A dream is just a dream unless it has become a project! If you want to make your project a reality, you need a plan and a circle of professionals to help you.

For the plan, I propose a five-step plan. Regardless of the plan you choose, what matters most is diligence, determination, and the desire to make your project a reality.

A circle of professionals: when it comes to acquiring a property, your brother-in-law, friend, or friend of a friend probably isn’t the best person to help you. You need professionals to help you realize your project:

Me, your mortgage broker:

  • Helping you determine the amount of financing you would qualify for.
  • Validating that you would be able to meet the requirements of one or more lenders.
  • Finding the financing that suits you and at the best terms.
  • Ensuring that you meet the deadlines set for the purchase of the property.

Real estate broker:

  • To help you find the property you’re looking for.
  • To represent you to sellers in order to negotiate a good price.
  • To ensure that the documents are properly filled out and to obtain the necessary information and documents.

Building inspector or structural engineer:

  • Inspecting the condition of the property.
  • Determining the repairs that need to be made within a timeframe based on their importance.
  • However, they may not be able to identify hidden defects.

Renovation contractor:

  • If you have urgent work to be done following the inspection report.
  • If you want to make renovations before moving in.

Insurance broker:

  • Obtaining a home insurance policy.
  • Recommending the necessary protections.
  • Representing you to insurers.

Notary or lawyer:

  • To draft the necessary documents for financing and acquisition.
  • To validate that the property titles are in good order.
  • Ensuring that the terms of the sale have been respected.


  • Generally, it’s the seller who should provide you with a certificate of location for the property. However, it’s possible that you may need to provide one yourself.
  • You want to ensure the dimensions of the land and the building.
  • That there are no encroachments on the neighboring land.
  • That the property complies with legal standards.

As you can see, each of the professionals has their own tasks to accomplish. Buying a property isn’t like buying a car. Each of the professionals is there to assist you in the process of your project. It’s important to already have certain contacts of people you trust to carry out the project. In case you’re missing a professional, I’d be able to suggest professionals you could work with. It’s always up to you to choose.

Click on each title to access the page.

Your Financial Situation

This section is the first of the steps to be completed. Wanting to acquire a property without knowing where you stand financially, your family situation, your professional situation, and what your future goals/projects are. Without this first step, it will be difficult to execute your plan. It’s the foundation, the cornerstone to accomplish your project. In this section, we will talk about:

  • Family Situation
  • Professional Situation – Employment
  • Budget
  • Net Worth
  • Credit Report
  • Your Financial Goals. Click on the “Your Financial Situation” header to access it.

Now that we have validated your professional, family, financial situation, as well as your goals, we would be able to determine the purchase amount you would be able to cover and the amount of mortgage financing you would be able to obtain.

In this section, we will cover the following elements:

  • Is it time to start looking at properties for sale at this stage?
  • The documentation to prepare
  • Conventional vs. Insured Mortgage Financing
  • Fixed Rates and Variable Rates
  • The Term and Amortization of the Mortgage Loan
  • Different Homeownership Access Programs
  • Costs Related to Purchasing a Property
  • Prequalification vs. Preapproval
  • The Tools

Click on the “How Much Can I Afford to Buy” header to access it. (Coming Soon)

Finding the Property

Now that you know the amount you’ll be able to buy, it’s time to take steps to find the property. At this stage, you should have the contact information of a real estate broker, a building inspector, a contractor, and a notary.

On this page, we will cover the following topics:

  • Emotions
  • The Buying Process
  • To Inspect or Not to Inspect the Property
  • Purchase with Renovation
  • Timelines

Click on the “Finding the Property” header to access it. (Coming Soon)

Obtaining Financing

You’ve found the property, and your purchase offer has been accepted! Congratulations ! Now, we’ve reached the stage of obtaining financing. We have deadlines to meet, and we need to submit the application quickly! Additionally, you should have already chosen your notary and made contact with them. In this section, we will cover the following topics:

  • Documentation
  • The Best Mortgage Rate vs. the Mortgage that Meets Your Requirements
  • The Financing Process
  • Financing Approval
  • Financing Denial!

Cliquez sur l’entête «Obtenir le financement» pour y accéder. (Coming Soon)

Becoming a Homeowner

Your financing has been approved! Thank you once again! However, the game plan isn’t finished yet; there are still things to do or not do before you become a homeowner. By clicking on the “Obtaining Financing” header, you will find the following points:

  • If your financial, professional, or personal situation changes, will it have an impact on the transaction?
  • Gathering the down payment for the notary
  • The Process with the Notary
  • Finally a homeowner!

As you’ve seen, the process of buying a property may seem complex, but it’s actually quite straightforward. I remember when I bought my first house; initially, I thought it would be complicated, even though I was employed at a financial institution. However, I followed this plan, and the buying process was straightforward.

I’ll be here to support you throughout the process, from start to finish, just like a real estate broker. My goal and my greatest pride is to help you acquire the property of your dreams without stress.

Surround yourself with professionals; it’s worth the cost.

Rui Alberto Maia, Courtier Hypothécaire - Logo

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