The establishment of a budget

The establishment of a budget

L'etablissement d'un budget
Rui Alberto Maia
Courtier Hypothécaire

With inflation skyrocketing, it’s more important than ever to understand where your money is going and to take control of your finances. Creating a budget is the first step towards financial freedom and peace of mind.

This simple guide explains how to create a budget in 6 easy steps:

1. Calculate your net income:

  • Add up all your regular income (salary, pensions, etc.).
  • Subtract taxes, social security contributions, and other deductions.
  • The result is your net income available for your expenses.


  • If your income varies from month to month, calculate an average over several months.
  • Take into account exceptional income (bonuses, tax refunds) and one-time payments (family allowances).

2. Monitor your expenses:

  • Note down all your expenses for a month, categorizing them (housing, food, transportation, etc.).
  • Use tools such as mobile apps or spreadsheets to assist you.
  • Identify categories where you can potentially save.


  • Start by recording all your expenses, even the smallest ones.
  • Use precise expense categories to better analyze your habits.
  • Be honest with yourself and do not underestimate your expenses.

3. Set realistic goals:

  • Determine how much you want to spend on each expense category.
  • Start with realistic goals and adjust them as needed.
  • Use the 50/30/20 rule as a starting point: 50% for essential needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings and debt reduction.

Examples of goals:

  • Reduce restaurant expenses by 20%.
  • Save 10% of your monthly income.
  • Pay off your credit card within one year.

4. Establish a plan:

  • Define a plan to achieve your budgetary goals.
  • Use tools like budget spreadsheets or tracking software.
  • Adapt your plan according to changes in your income or expenses.


  • Set spending limits for each category.
  • Plan for unexpected expenses and emergency situations.
  • Be flexible and prepared to adjust your plan according to your needs.

5. Adjust your expenses:

  • Cut down on unnecessary expenses in each category.
  • Renegotiate your debts and obtain better rates if possible.
  • Look for more economical alternatives for your needs.

Ideas for saving:

  • Cook at home more often and bring your lunch to work.
  • Use public transportation or cycling.
  • Compare prices and take advantage of promotions.
  • Negotiate your electricity, gas, and internet bills.

6. Stay on track:

  • Review your budget regularly (monthly or quarterly).
  • Adjust your goals and plan according to your progress.
  • Celebrate your successes and stay motivated!

Useful resources:

Remember, a well-balanced budget is the key to a healthy and peaceful financial life. Start taking control of your finances today!

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or if you’d like to share your own budgeting tips.

I hope this guide will be helpful to you!

In addition to these six steps, here are some additional tips to help you create and maintain an effective budget:

  • Involve your family: Discuss your budgetary goals with your spouse and children and encourage them to participate in the collective effort.
  • Be flexible: Life is full of surprises, so be prepared to adapt your budget when needed.

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